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How To Convert Your Gift To Money

You will  become wealthy based on the problem you solve, not on the job that you fill. If you want to progress on your job, identify the problems in the workplace and volunteer to solve them. Your promotion will come. Now your company,  church, agency, or school pays you for solving problems, not for just showing up. Your specialty is solving that part and kind of problem.

This is the secret. Do not work for money, work for fulfillment. Money will come out of it even when you never expected it. Society often tries to keep you away from your gift because it wants you to replace your gift with a career. God has given you a great gift, but the graveyard will take it if you fail to get busy with it now. It is very important to know.

What is your potential? Remember in our previous lessons you learned. what will you take to grave if you do not make your dreams a reality?  Check yourself if you have fulfilled the purpose God put in you? Have you completed your assignment? Our Creator has already deposited a special gift in you that is your leadership spot. You need to secure it because it is your possession don't hoard it. You have to serve your gift to the world.

You should have stopped dreaming and start realizing your potential. Work towards your plans to achieve. Children are bigger dreamers than adults. Being an adult is dangerous,  because we stop dreaming, and all we want is a paycheck. Yes you have already stopped dreaming. The child is realistic. What are those things you thought of becoming as a child. When you grew to an adult, have you fulfilled that desire, have you realized your dreams? Read also, 6 ways to fulfil your dreams

Your dreams when you realize them will make you the great person you were born to be. Remember it was the Holy spirit that told you that big dream you had when you were a child. What changed now? Why won't you pursue that goals and aspirations? As a child many things or persons have tempted to kill your dream. And the first person is often your parents. Let your children follow their passion and you follow yours. Don't say it is too late. Start nurturing your passion, that is your gift. 

The worse mistake to do is to die without accomplishing your dreams, your plans, your goals. You don't retire, you don't grow old for the thing you were born to be a d the thing you know how best to do. You can achieve whatever you want to. You are a forest. Great thing is inside of you. Just realize that special gift in you and manifest your gift. 

How To Convert your gift to money#

Your gift is necessary for humanity: You exist not for yourself but for others. The essence of becoming a leader is discovering what you were given to serve your generation. Before getting confused with the meaning—Leadership is never for the leader but for those he serves. This means that a true leader becomes a servant to those he leads through serving his gift to them, funny! huh? You serve your gift they pay you for serving them with something that solves their problems that same thing that is your passion, that makes you happy. That is because you were created to serve an important purpose to humanity and your generation needs you. So when you serve them the gift in you, realizing your potential, you become happy and feel satisfied for serving that which makes you who you are, you in return gain through serving your gift.

Acknowledge that leadership is not for you: it is for others. Do you wish to lead? You must serve if you must lead. That is the only criterion—you must be a servant leader. You manifest your gift, solve the problems of humanity and get paid in the end. Most times you don't necessarily have to ask for pay or money. They pay you directly or indirectly.

Raising standards: Raising standards helps you in achieving your goals in life. Your personal standards reflects to how you treat yourself. You don't need to set low standards for yourself because it will only take you a long journey but limited. Setting high standards includes, living to avoid hypocrisy and discouragement, always imaging and imagining yourself on the receiving end of your own actions. Set your behaviours and build them upon expectations you have of yourself. And always stick to them. 

Don't let your beliefs hold you back from the life you deserve. You don't have to accept things the way they are. Stand up for your principles and beliefs. Stand up for the best. Becoming who you really are. The great person and believe that your gift will pave way for you in your pursuit for achievement of greatness. How you manage your life helps you to realize your potential. Going for the best and seeing everything possible and every of your goals, plans and dreams realistic and achievement of goals, and utilizing what is on your inside, your gift and receiving in the end.


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