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Reasons why You Should Not Impose Change On Your Partner

Imposing change on your partner does more harm than good. Instead with love you help them improve in the areas you don't really appreciate about them. Change is quite different

from improve. One of the hardest lessons about trusting God in our relationship is allowing God to be the change agent in our mates. Read also, elements of love and 7types of love 
For too often we think we are ordained by our Creator to change them. One way to deal with the urge to change our mates is to concentrate on the positives and let our Creator deal with the negatives. You need to see this. You should know why you are different from your partner. This will help you and your mate or partner identify areas that you would like to improve in your lives with the help of spiritual direction.
Remember, you can although mention areas you would like your mate to think about, the change is up to him or her and their Creator. Don't nag. And you also must be open to his or her suggested changes. Like you and your partner have always wanted the best for each other. One of our goals in relationship is to avoid competition between you and your partner. You are to complement each other. If one of you gets lifted up in some fashion, the other thanks God for blessing the partner. You're partners and not arch-rivals.

It is so easy to get caught up in the world's mindset of being in competition with everyone—including your partner, devil would love to divide your strengths, talents, and gifts by seeing you work against each other. He will prey on your insecurity as the man, you are afraid your woman will be in higher position. The ego to drive a wedge between you and your spouse, fracturing your unity. 

Again, becoming encouragers to each other. Be excited about your mate's successes. Be there to comfort your partner when the contract isn't signed, the deal falls through, sickness slows him or her down, the license isn't renewed and so forth. But you learn to submit to each other by the power of the Salvation, you can allow each other to be our Creator's worker. 

Many people who say "I do" think that after they are married their spouses will change. Most of the time this doesn't happen according to our schedules and desires. Nowhere in the scripture does our Creator appoint us to be change agents for our spouses or partners. Simply tell your mate the positive and tell God the negative, ask Him to work change in your partner, talk to Him about your marriage or relationship. It's wrong to single handed impose change on your partner. 

To be continued...

Ways you can make a positive impact and change on your partner

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